Best Time To Visit Amboseli National Park

Best Time to Visit Amboseli national park

Best Time to Visit Amboseli national park.

Best Time to Visit Amboseli national park : Amboseli national park Kenya  best to visit varies on  a few underlying factors , during the dry season , several wildlife  gather  around the water holes in order to tap into the lightly scarce water during the dry season , But as the rain seasons comes through, they start dispersing because of  the numerous water access points.  We will delve into information that could potentially affect your decision making when you plan on traveling  to Amboseli national park together with the activities  one intends to conduct while in the park.  Amboseli park’s temperatures are average and they are moderate throughout the year.

In as much the temperature are moderate through the year, we recommend you carry light jackets and a fleece for conducting the morning activities such as the game drives as well as the  evening or night activities. During the rainy season, one ought to carry a rain coat and a poncho to be able to counter the effect of rain while doing the activities. There is little or no rains during the dry season therefore the dry season is practically the best time of the year to visit Amboseli national park.  The dry seasons run from the months of July to October. The close of the month of June sees the rains subsiding and welcoming the dry season and the as the end of October nears, it flags off a few showers.

Best time to visit Amboseli national park

In the dry seasons, locating the wildlife is easier  because of the grasses are shot and scotched resulting from the dry spell, the dry season also sees the several water holes dry hence leaving  a few that attracts several wildlife from the different parts of the park to come and drinking water in  the few of the remaining oases. The dry season  is also less precipitation , there are few insects such as mosquitoes that make ones stay complicated. 

During the season, the skyies are clear and blue and the days are simply awesome hence making it the best time to visit the park on a safari. During the dry season, the Masai Mara national park also host one f the biggest wildlife migration dubbed the annual wildebeest migration, because  of the wildebeest migration , several  travelers make their way there thus after the Masai  Mara experience they head to Amboseli  national park  to have the experience there to hence causing a little price increment in the accommodation in what can only referred to as peak seasons.

Best time to visit Amboseli national park

Brief   rains kick off in November and December and  as January  and February kicks in , the brief dry season prevails  until  April, May, June kicks in  with heavy rains. During this rainy months,  life springs back  bringing a whole new greenery and well as  fresh wildlife as the old ones give birth. there you will capture rewarding view of the little  white stripped zebra  , as well as the little Thompson gazelles trying to hide in the  tall grass to elude the predators. the greenery all brings several  migratory birds species that make their way from as far Europe to Amboseli national park.

As  fresh wildlife as the old ones give birth. there you will capture rewarding view of the little  white stripped zebra  , as well as the little Thompson gazelles trying to hide in the  tall grass to elude the predators. the greenery all brings several  migratory birds species that make their way from as far Europe to Amboseli national park.

On the disadvantage the heavy downpours during the month of May to July render it challenging to navigate to the park as some roads become impassable. Needless to say.  The challenging roads during the rainy season can be overcome by flying to the park from Nairobi to  the park or from another park to amboseli national park

amboseli natonal park ostriches

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