Game Drives In Nairobi National Park

Game drives in Nairobi national park

Game drive in Nairobi national park

Game drive in Nairobi national park : Located just 10km (6miles) from Nairobi city center, the Nairobi national park is home to over 100 mammal species and 40 recorded bird species. The park sits on 117 square kilometers of prime African savanna plains. The park was gazette in 1946 to protect the wildlife as the Nairobi city was rapidly growing. On a game drive in Nairobi national park, you will enjoy the amazing contrast between the city skyscrapers and the remote wilderness.

Nairobi national park offers a wide range of safari activities including game drives. These are done in customized safari vehicles that allow you amazing views of the wildlife and wilderness. Enjoy the close and personal encounters with wildlife on your game drive in Nairobi national park. These game drives start very early in the morning or evening. This will give you a chance to see the nocturnal wildlife as they prepare to vanish into the wilderness. The guide will pick you from your lodge/hotel and brief you on your safari adventures for the day. The guides are well versed with the terrain and knowledge about the Nairobi national park’s wildlife.

What to see on your Game drive in Nairobi national park

On your game drive, you are assured of a thrilling adventure since park is home to over 100 mammal species and 40 bird species. The park is home to 4 of the big 5. These include; lions, leopards, rhinos and buffaloes.  These can be viewed from the safety of your customized safari vehicle. Other animals in the park include; hyenas, cheetah, giraffes, zebra, wildebeest and many more. The park’s border to the southeast allows for a migration of wildlife during the different seasons. Other attractions in the Nairobi national park include; the ivory burning monument and the trails at the hippo pools. The Game drive in Nairobi national park lasts up to 4 hours.

Other safari activities in Nairobi national park.

On your visit to Nairobi national park, you can supplement your wilderness experience by undertaking in other safari activities. These include;

Rhino sanctuary:

This sanctuary is a breeding place for the endangered black rhino. Here, the black rhino is protected and breed to conserve the dwindling population and later relocated to other parts of the national park.

Giraffe center.

Due to the dwindling numbers of the Rothschild giraffes, the center was set up to breed and repopulate Kenya with the giraffes. The center offers education to Kenyan school children on the need to conserve the wildlife.

Elephant orphanage.

The elephant orphanage was set up by the David Sheldrick trust and takes care of the baby elephants that have been orphaned due to poaching. This center provides motherly love by the experienced caretakers to the baby elephants. They are later released to live and graze in the park. Adopt a baby elephant by donating to the trust. These funds go to the maintenance of the center.

Park entry fees to Nairobi national park

In Nairobi national park, the entry fees vary from age to nationality. In order to attract local guests, they are offered competitive prices like anywhere else in the tourism sector.


Adults (Kshs) Children (Kshs)
430 215

Foreign Residents

Adults (Kshs) Children (Kshs)
1,030 515

Foreign non residents

Adults (USD) Children (USD)
43 22


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